Feedback form.

To help us assess this website, we ask you to help us to collect the following information:
We declare that we will not use this information to trace you or contact you in any way, nor will this information be transferred to a third party. It is only for the use of the Evidence! Group with the sole purpose of assessing our work and to enhance it for the future.

First, about the site itself:

1. a) What is your opinion about the content of this website?
    b) What is your opinion about the form of this website?
2. How many times have you visited this presentation?
3. Are you going to come back here?


4. Has the information presented here been
useful to you in any way?


5. If yes: please explain how / in what way?
6 Would you be interested in more
presentations like this in the future?


7. If yes: what themes or what kind of
documents would you like to see?
8. This website is made as an event of the
year of culture 2000, from 7 of the Capitals of European Culture this year.
Do you think the website in future would profit
from inviting more cities to join?


9. Do you have any other advice for us in our
work to enhance these presentations?

Now, a few questions about yourself:

10. Where do you live?  
- Country:
- City/town:
11. Sex:


12. How old are you?
13. What do you do?

primary school pupil
secondary school pupil
University student

14. If you are a student, please give the
University name and your faculty:
15. If you are working, please name your field of work:
16. What are your interests and hobbies?
17. How did you learn about this presentation?

through Internet ("surfing")

if otherwise: how?
18. E-mail:
Send the feedback to:
